Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Possable signal's east of the Plant City Diamond

1: CLEAR - Proceed.
2: ADVANCE APPROACH - Proceed, prepared to stop at second signal.
3: APPROACH - Proceed prepared to stop at the next signal. Trains exceeding Medium speed must immediately begin reduction to Medium speed as soon as the engine passes the Approach Signal.
4: MEDIUM APPROACH - Medium speed through turnouts, crossovers, sidings, and over power operated switches; then proceed, prepared to stop at next signal.
5: MEDIUM CLEAR - Medium speed through turnouts, crossovers, sidings, and over power operated switches; then proceed at posted speed.
6: APPROACH MEDIUM - Proceed, approaching next signal not exceeding Medium speed.
7: LIMITED APPROACH - Limited speed through turnouts, crossovers, sidings, and over powero perated switches; then proceed, prepared to stop at next signal.
8: LIMITED CLEAR - Limited speed through turnouts, crossovers, sidings, and over power operated switches; then proceed at posted speed.
9: APPROACH LIMITED - Proceed, approaching next signal not exceeding Limited speed.
10: STOP - Stop before passing the signal.

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Approach Slow

  Y / Y , Y /* Y *, Y / Y / R , G / R /* Y * CROR: CLEAR TO SLOW - Proceed, approaching next signal at SLOW speed. Y /...